Our Campaign for the Disabled

We are devoted to ensuring access and opportunity in IT for all.

Our Campaign for the Disabled

TechPro Education is not just a professional educational institution but also an organization committed to democratizing information technology for all. As part of this mission, we provide conveniences in every aspect to disadvantaged individuals and organize unique campaigns for them. So far, we have offered various discounts to people with disabilities and those affected by disasters who want to receive education from our courses.

Our discount campaign for people with disabilities is still ongoing. We offer a 40% discount on all courses for all students who are disabled and present their medical reports.

At TechPro Education, we strive to provide equal access to knowledge for all members of society. We also aim to make the career opportunities created by digitization and rapidly developing technological trends accessible to everyone. The discounts, campaigns, and projects we carry out are part of this mission and will continue to grow and diversify in the future.